Tuesday, September 29, 2009

DIES - Day (of the week)


The third day of class we got into a little bit of Latin small talk. You know, just in case you wake up one day in Rome around 45 B.C. you won't seem too out of place. The following phrases my help you out:

Salve - Hello (s.)
Salvete - Hello (pl.)
Vale - Good-bye (s.)
Valete - Good-bye (pl.)

Ut vales? - How are you (s.)
Ut valetis? - How are you (pl.)

Some responses might be:

Bene - Well
Satis bene - Quite well
Optime bene - Very well
Quam optime - As well as possible
Male - Not well
Pessime - Awful

Here are a few more Latin words to kick around to trick the locals into thinking you are supposed to be there:

Dies - Day
Hodie - Today
Hic dies - This day

Next you will probably want to know what day of the week it is, I know I sure would:

Lunae dies - Monday (named for the Moon)
Martis dies - Tuesday (named for Mars)
Mercurii dies - Wednesday (named for Mercury)
Iovis dies - Thursday (named for Jupiter)
Veneris dies - Friday (named for Venus)
Saturni dies - Saturday (named for Saturn)
Solis dies - Sunday (named for the Sun)

Next post I will continue with the verbs we learned on the 3rd day of class.

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